
Content Marketing.

One Idea is Several Posts.

Content marketing is the act of creating and publishing beneficial information that can interest your target audience. But, how can you make several posts out of one idea? Continue reading!

Content Dream Team
4 min readSep 6, 2021


If you are struggling to generate new ideas and topics on your website, you might have to change your approach to creating content instead of brainstorming ideas and unique issues that can make many pieces of content. These content pieces can be in writing blog posts formed and repurposed into presentations, images, videos, and podcasts. To turn one idea into several posts, you must consider the equation: SORCO (Start, Outline, Research, Create, Organize).

1. Start With An Idea.

The general idea is that one you can’t completely cover in one piece of content only. There is too much information that you need chapters to organize. In blogging, these chapters can live on their own, separated into different blog posts.

For instance, if you sell products for car owners, the general idea can be, “Hot to Care for Your Car.” It is almost impossible to cover all the topics in one blog post, and trying to do so will only make each point short and not practical. This broad idea is excellent because it should be split into smaller topics that should be covered thoroughly. Once you have examined the general idea, start defining the more minor issues.

2. Outline Your General Idea.

Create an outline as if you will write a book with several chapters on the topic of your choice. If the subject is general enough, parts of your design might branch into excellent ones. You might come up with similar ideas that can be their general topics for future posts.

Once you write the outline, you will see how many unique pieces of content you can develop from only one general idea. Every section of the design serves a new piece of content.

3. Research Keywords and Ideas.

Expanding your outline with keyword research is critical in creating content using Google AdWords Keyword Planner to enter your general ideas. This tool can allow you to browse related ideas in category groups. On Google AdWords, you can click on hyperlinked keyword groupings to find specific keywords related to your general vision. Each one will be displayed with the estimated monthly search volume, links to the keyword phrases, and competitions.

Alternatively, click the Keyword Ideas tab and download all suggested keyword phrases related to your broad idea. Many are similar, but this is an excellent way to develop even more topics for your blog posts and other content.

Another advantage of this method, aside from making Google brainstorm ideas for you, is you will see the estimated monthly search volume for each keyword phrase. This information can help you choose which topics to write about to build your content library with articles people search for and want to read.

4. Create Many Pieces of Content.

Once you organize the specific topic ideas, you generated from your broad concept. The next step is to create your content. Remember: You do not have to limit yourself to content for your blog. As you look through your outline, consider which topics would work well and other content forms, especially on social media channels. Consider repurposing your content into an email, video, slideshow, infographic, or podcast series.

Use Your Outline to Determine Your Content

  • Create an outline based on your broad idea.
  • Use related keywords to fill in your chapters.
  • Decide which topics should be email, video, slideshow, infographic, or podcast content.
  • If one chapter is more extended, create a content series.

5. Organize your content.

After you publish your content, you want to make sure people can find it. Create libraries on your website for different categories, such as videos, podcasts, or infographics if it’s in multiple formats. Some blogs have links to pages devoted to their infographics, marketing guides, webinars, and other differentiated content to organize them for readers.

If your content is a series of blog posts, create a page that serves as a table of contents and lists each blog post in that particular series. While tags are a great way to organize camps, you don’t want to force people to click on a tag and scroll back to the beginning. Make it easier to read similar posts by organizing them on one page.

If you created enough written content on one subject to produce a cohesive whitepaper or book, consider compiling all the posts, formatting the content into book form, and publishing it as a standalone piece. Make it available to people with e-readers by offering it as a download in different online libraries to attract new audiences to your business. Or use it as a free ebook giveaway for subscribers to your email list.

You can also use features offered by specific networks to organize your content. SlideShare automatically collects your uploaded content into presentations, documents, and infographics. YouTube offers playlists that group your videos into ordered lists by topic. Pinterest offers boards to organize your images by subject. Use your social media channels to communicate with your audiences and manage your content. In doing so, you’ll also promote your content to a new audience.

This approach allows you to create unique, varied content from one broad idea. People like to consume content in different formats. By publishing content on several platforms, you’ll cast a wider net and reach your ideal audience more effectively.

In addition to multiple pieces of content in various formats, you can promote each to new audiences. People on YouTube, SlideShare, Pinterest, and iTunes will be exposed to your content and, most importantly, learn about your business.

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Content Dream Team

Content Management, Content Distribution, Content Repurposing. Contentdreamteam.com