
Content Syndication in Marketing.

What is Content Syndication?

A Guide to Get Started and How To Do it Successfully!

3 min readMar 25, 2021


You work for so many hours to create great content, blog posts, social media management, and optimize search engines. The views and subscribers aren’t what you are expecting them to be. Getting traffic is a common problem for many marketers. There are several ways to get those numbers up, making content syndication stand out because it’s cost-effective. It can upgrade SEO performances and boost your brand awareness. That’s if it was done right; you would be risking becoming outranked by other publications carrying your content. In this article, I will explain content syndication and how to apply it to your marketing world.

What is content syndication?

It is the act of republishing the same piece of content, whether it was an article, video, or infographics, into one or more different websites. Big and small publications prefer to syndicate content because it provides new information to the readers. The original content creators can also benefit from this action because it brings their brand in front of new audiences, making it a win-win game.

It is essential to note that content syndication is not the same as guest blogging. A guest blog is a fresh new piece of content made for one publication only. Still, content syndication is taking the same content and republishing it with their permission on other platforms. It is also essential to consider that credits will be given to the author to avoid duplicate content problems.

how to syndicate content what is content syndication

Content Syndication and SEO.

It is well known that Google doesn’t like duplicate content; it won’t penalize a website for duplicate content, but it will not help SEO performance. Syndicated content is not the same as duplicated content as long as it is done carefully and made evident for readers to realize that what they’re seeing or reading is syndicated content. You can attach a link that takes the reader to the original article and getting a third-party publication and canonical link.

There are two significant ways to apply content syndication; free or paid. The freeway focuses on finding the most relevant publications allowing your content to pitch and build comprehensive partnerships. The paid syndication uses tools that will enable you to get your content recommended in essential and major publications faster. Furthermore, to attract more blog views and readers, it is crucial to start by creating a page where you can explain how people can syndicate your content. Then, make sure to optimize your website to allow syndication. Finally, give other publication industries good reason to syndicate your content either partially or as a whole, including infographics, diagrams, and blogs that can be easily picked up and syndicated.

How to Find Content Syndication Partners?

There are numerous tools that you can use, such as BuzzSumo and SEMRush. You can also check backlinks for countless opportunities. The fastest and easiest way to start syndicating is by using Google search. Quest for articles that say:

  • “Originally appeared on”
  • “Republished with permission.”

Moreover, to narrow down your publications, add “inurl:[domain]” to your search. Also, there are publications that you should stay away from, those that can harm your brand and SEO performance. You have to make sure to avoid the publications that include:

  1. No editorial guidelines.
  2. Low authority.
  3. Spam links.

Content Syndication Services













Finally, content syndication is an excellent chance to reach new audiences and convert readers into clients. If you syndicate other publications’ content, you will be able to serve your readers valuable and fresh content without letting them leave your website to find it somewhere else.

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Content Dream Team

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