
Content Marketing.

What Kind of Content Best Fit Any Niche?

Blogging is highly effective. There are many other types of content that you can — and should — add to your content marketing arsenal.

Content Dream Team
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Different types of content can help you connect with foreign customers in several ways. In many cases, various content types are ideal for reaching and connecting with users at other points of the digital sales funnel.

In this post, we will look at the eight most popular types of content and how to use them to win new leads and drive sales.


You know we had to talk about blog posts first. For many brands, blog posts make up the central part of their content marketing strategy. There’s a good reason for this: blog posts typically don’t take too long to write, Google quickly finds them, users are happy to read and share them, and it’s a quick way to offer value at a relatively low cost.

Blog posts are ideal for building relationships with your readers, which can eventually help with lead nurturing and conversions. Maintaining a consistent blog with frequent, high-quality posts (like AdEspresso does) can also help drive significant amounts of traffic to the site.

Because blogging is the most accessible type of content marketing, this is also the type of content with the most potential traps brands fall into.

The most common mistakes you want to avoid are:

  • Not posting regularly. This can get you out of the habit and losing readers. Also, remember to update your top-ranking post periodically top-ranking.
  • Not optimizing your blog for leads or sales. Always have a CTA, even if it’s to drive engagement. At least some of your posts should have information about how your product can provide a solution to the problem you’re talking about or center your brand in some way.
  • Not linking to your content. While you want users to convert, sometimes it takes time for them to convert. Use plenty of internal linking to send users bouncing around your blog until they are ready.
  • Ignoring keywords. You can’t overlook keywords if you want your site found. Each blog post should be optimized for the keywords you believe will bring the most relevant traffic to your site.

Longform Content

Long-form content that is free and available online is a fantastic way to build thought leadership and increase subscribers.

Ultimate Guides are one of the best types of long-form content that you can create. Many businesses, like AdEspresso, have them separated from the regular blog.

This content won’t just be 1,000 words; it might be 5,000–15,000 words. There will be several chapters, each on its URL page. Because of this, they offer immense value. Users don’t have to go anywhere else for information on a subject because you have covered it all. These guides are also free and available online, making them accessible.

Case Studies

Case studies are in-depth examinations covering a specific scenario or example, which should provide both knowledge and actionable information. They’re fantastic for several reasons: they allow you to establish thought leadership, are unique, and are highly shareable — because this is your data, someone else can’t just spontaneously have the same idea (cough, cough).

Blogging can make up the cornerstone of your content marketing strategy (I recommend this), but it shouldn’t be the only type of content you’re utilizing to increase traffic, generate leads, and drive sales. A diverse content marketing strategy will always be best, helping you get long-term, sustainable, and significant results from your campaigns. Content marketing is a big time and sometimes a financial investment. After all — you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth.

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Content Dream Team

Content Management, Content Distribution, Content Repurposing. Contentdreamteam.com